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    Radio Naša Riječ Chicago

Oglasi za posao

American Vintage Home

today29. Marta 2013. 16

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Ukoliko vam je dosta neizvjesnosti i zelite raditi na sigurnim poslovima, vodoinstalaterskim, te poslovima grijanja i hladjenja, onda je ovaj oglas upravo za vas!
Renomirana kompanija “American Vintage Home”, u Evanstonu kod Cikaga, raspisuje oglas za 3 radna mjesta: Za tehnicara – instalatera grijanja i  hladjenja i dvije pozicije  za pomocnike tehnicara – instalatera.
 “American Vintage Home”  vrsi vodoinstalaterske poslove, te ugradnju, servisiranje, održavanje i remont opreme za grijanje i hladjenje.
Radno vrijeme je od ponedjeljka do petka, prva smjena, u vremenu od 07:30-17:30, uz mogucnost prekovremenog rada. Satnica za pomocnike je od 10 – 15 dolara,  zavisi od radnog iskustva, a za tehnicara- instalera satnica je po dogovru.
Potrebno je osnovno znanje engleskog i da posjedujete odgovarajuce radno iskustvo. Posao je timski u prijatnoj etmosferi, siguran je za sve sezone, obezbijedjena su vozila s osiguranjem.
“American Vintage Home” nudi jak bonus plan, program za dodatnu edukaciju, dental i zdravstveno osiguranje, pravo na godisnji odmor, 401 K, uniformu, vece alate, i ostale beneficije.
Pozovite marketing menadzera, Amilu Hazdalic – Hodzic: 847.251.5255, Ext. 21
Mozete aplicirati i na web stranici:, a pozicije su oznacene kao Helper & HVAC Tech.

HVAC Service Technician Wanted


High End residential Heating, Cooling & Plumbing company looking to add an extraordinary HVAC service technician who is passionate about customer service & quality work in order to serve our loyal customer base.

We seek the following qualifications:

* Must have 3 years related experience or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
* Must be knowledgeable in Residential Hot Water, Stream Heating, and Air Conditioning service and repair.
* Must have a valid IL Driver's License
* Must have a professional and friendly attitude and customer service skills
* Must have time management and organizational skills
* Must be able to work in a fast paced environment

Key responsibilities include:

* Maintaining scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on: H.V.A.C.
* Performing general maintenance projects as scheduled or assigned, and repairs

We offer:

Over Scale Pay + Strong Bonus Plan

Company issued Van (insurance and fuel included)

Ongoing Education Programs

Fully Funded Health & Dental Insurance Programs

Strong Profit Sharing



Fully Stocked Trucks & Warehouse

Uniforms and Large Tools

Year Round Work

Family Atmosphere which truly cares about its team and customers

If you truly feel that you are one of the finest heating and cooling technicians in the industry here is a great opportunity to begin to solidify your career and future. Your truck is waiting for you!

Please apply at

Location: Evanston

Compensation: up to $35.00 (based on experience) + Bonus

Principals Only: Recruiters, please do not contact this job poster

Phone calls about this job are OK


Written by: hazmirmanija

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