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    Radio Naša Riječ Chicago

Kategorije Vijesti

4728 Results / Page 19 of 526

Kategorije Vijesti


Ozlem Tureci, glavna medicinska stručnjakinja u kompaniji BioNTech, koja s Pfizerom proizvodi vakcine protiv koronavirusa, je izjavila da će "biti potrebna treća doza vakcine, ali da se neće morati dodatno prilagođavati zbog delta soja virusa". Kako je kazala, treća doza, koju zovu pojačivačem ili boosterom, bi se trebala davati godinu nakon prvog ciklusa vakcinacije. Ona kaže da su studije pokazale da postoji snažna učinkovitost vakcinacije objema dozama, ali da treća […]

today13. Augusta 2021. 17

Naslovna Tekstovi

BiH čeka pomoć NATO-a i EUFOR-a u gašenju požara

Predsjedavajući Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine Željko Komšić zatražio je pomoć od NATO štaba u Sarajevu, kao i EUFOR-a da se uključe u gašenja požara u toj zemlji, nakon što je član tročlanog Predsjedništva BiH iz entiteta Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik odbio dati saglasnost da kod gašenja požara pomogne helikopter Oružanih snaga BiH. Za angažman helikoptera Oružanih snaga BiH potrebna je saglasnost sva tri člana državnog Predsjedništva. Iz kabineta predsjedavajućeg bosanskohercegovačkog […]

today13. Augusta 2021. 13

Kategorije Vijesti

Amerikanci privremeno šalju vojsku u Afganistan kako bi evakuisali zaposlene u ambasadi

Sjedinjene Američke Države će privremeno poslati oko 3.000 vojnika u Afganistan s ciljem sigurne evakuacije zaposlenih u Američkoj ambasadi u Kabulu, saopćeno je iz Pentagona. Amerikanci ubrzavaju plan evakuacije zaposlenih iz ambasade zbog toga što glavni grad Afganistana postaje sve ugroženiji usljed napada talibana Portparol Pentagona je rekao da će prva grupa vojnika biti poslata u narednih 24 ili 48 sati s ciljem osiguranja sigurnog povlačenja. Situacija se u ovoj […]

today13. Augusta 2021. 14

Naslovna Tekstovi

Me – Too Was Needed, But Has It Gone Too – Far?: 4 Considerations!

Track appears in new box set… A new box set showcasing recordings Captain Beefheart made in the early Seventies is due for release. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Sun Zoom Spark: 1970 To 1972 features newly remastered versions of three albums that Beefheart and the Magic Band released during that period – Lick My Decals Off, Baby, The Spotlight Kid and Clear Spot […]

today11. Jula 2021. 154 3

Naslovna Tekstovi

We Need To Elect Public Leaders, Willing To DIRECT Us, Properly!

John has joked with Q that he is yet to find any upsides to being a solo artist. Speaking in a Q25 video interview to mark his appearance on the cover of our special 25th anniversary issue, Q304, which is out now, the former Oasis leader. The Chief declares in the video interview you can watch above: “It’s more of a pain in the arse [being solo] to be honest. […]

today13. Juna 2021. 11

Naslovna Tekstovi

Don't Trust Any Public Official, Who Won't Address Infrastructure: 4 Examples

At 9 p.m. on a Friday in February, Watson was standing outside of La Casa, a micro-church and community center — whose main chapel is the size of your parents' spacious living room — nestled next to a tienda in Washington, D.C.'s Mount Pleasant neighborhood. Inside, a hardcore punk band called Unknown Threat had just taken the stage. Of course, there was no actual stage. There was just the floor […]

today3. Juna 2021. 21

Naslovna Tekstovi

How to Start an Online Business Around Your Passion Have you ever wondered how your favorite musicians make such great music? The answer is this: They fully understand how musical emotion works, and how to use this to create intense emotions in YOU while you listen to them. Understanding musical expression is key to becoming a great guitar player and musician. When you control emotion in music, you will gain the power to greatly affect the listener's experience. […]

today2. Juna 2021. 37 3

Naslovna Tekstovi

7 Signs You're Not Ready For Online Business Success

As festival season rapidly rolls in, we’re constantly being reminded of the continuing lack of diversity on our lineups. With a recent study indicating 86 per cent of the lineups of 12 major music festivals last year including Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds and Creamfields were male, it seems that the ears at the top are still unwilling to break up the boys club that makes up our live music industry. […]

today24. Maja 2021. 29

Naslovna Tekstovi

Digital Marketing Campaigns – Best Strategies For Digital Marketing

  As a bassist, bandleader, teacher, and music copyist, I've worked with hundreds of singers throughout the years. Though working musicians know hundreds of tunes, singers need to have good charts in order to have their music played the way they want. I define a "good chart" as a piece of written music that effectively tells the musicians what they should play. Written music comes in seven basic forms: chord […]

today21. Aprila 2021. 24
